Hi !
I have linked two lists together. One is in BRUFPB & other in BRUFMG. The
listname is fisica-l. We have a great doubt:
In peers list all list must appear ?
Say  the entry of peers of my list in BRUFMG must be:
        Peers= BRUFPB,BRUFMG
        Peers= BRUFPB
It is not so clear in listkeyw, listownr, and listlink memos ...
Thanks in advance..
 Miguel Tostes Ribeiro                      | e-mail address:          |
 LAB. OPTICA, DEP. FISICA, UFMG, BRASIL     | [log in to unmask]   |
 Fisica-L List Owner                        | [log in to unmask]  |
 Av. Antonio Carlos, 6627  -  Pampulha      | Phone:  (031)441-9466    |
 Caixa Postal 702                           | Telex:  (031)2308        |
 30161 Belo Horizonte, Minas Gerais, Brasil | Fax:    (031)448-1372    |