On Tue, 15 Jan 91 00:46:35 +0100 Eric Thomas said:
>I wonder how long VM users will have to put up with brain-damaged
>defaults dating back from the days where cursor keys didn't exist.
>Anyway, type TERM CHARDEL OFF to use the @ sign in your TELL's.
  I couldn't agree more.  The folks at IBM have be in suspended animation
for the past two decades.  They would be shocked to see such new computers
as the NeXT and the Macintosh working so well without verbose and cryptic
commands with insane defaults and unnecessary limitation.
  Ooops, sorry about straying from the topic of this list, but your response
really hit dead center home with me.
|*| Stan Horwitz                |*|  STAN @ TEMPLEVM.BITNET(CREN)     |*|
|*| Temple University           |*|  STAN @ VM.TEMPLE.EDU  (Internet) |*|
|*| Senior Mainframe Consultant |*|  215-787-5555          (Human)    |*|