I'm passing this along to the LISTSERV postmaster's list to see if
anyone might be interested in hosting Chris's proposed list on
electronic circuits.  He had sent it to the new-list announcement list
but I prefer to announce only functional lists there (because folks
want to subscribe right away).
   I hope Chris doesn't mind!  Please let him know if you are interested
in such a list at your site.   Thanks.  Marty Hoag   nu021172@ndsuvm1
----------------------------Original message----------------------------
Ok, I checked on that TESLA list, and it does exist, so I figured I
would just change the name.  How about OHMS-L?  Sounds good.
As for where it will originate from, I was hoping that a listserv somewhere
would take it.  I've included a note to that point in the modified
post (included below).
=========================== start of post ==============================
OHMS-L: A list for the discussion of electronic circuits and related material.
OHMS-L is designed to be a discussion forum on electronics; particularly
circuit design and implementation.  Both theory and practical experience
will be touched on.  While the exchange of circuit diagrams is at this point
uneconomical, considering the limitation of text, other methods for transfer
of diagrams may be sought.
I am seeking a LISTSERV site interested in hosting a list of this nature.
If you are interested, please contact me at the address below.
Christopher Wolf
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========================== end of post =================================