I hit the wrong key too soon!  Here it is again...
I'm trying to set up the file-server function for a local private list here.
I am using Benjamin Chi's document "Setting up the Listserv File Server".  I
am the postmaster, and set up a private list for a professor here.  He is the
list owner.  Now I'm trying to add the ability for him, as the list owner, to
store files that the members of his list can get.  Here's what I did:
1.  I added his filelist to the LISTSERV FILELIST file.
2.  I created the FILEID pointer file.
3.  I created his initial filelist.
So far, so good.  Here's what the professor, as the list owner, did:
4.  Updated his filelist and added the entries for the files he wanted to store
5.  Tried to store the files.
Everything was successful up to the point where the professor tries to store
the files.  He used the LSVPUT EXEC:
which failed with the following message:
   File "910322 MINUTES" is unknown to LISTSERV, PUT request rejected.
It seems like I'm missing something that should be obvious, but I'm stumped.
I think I'm following the document.  Can someone point me in the right
direction?  Thanks!
* Taryn L. Westergaard            BITNET:   taryn@arizvm1
* U of AZ, Systems Programming    INTERNET: [log in to unmask]