I hope all who respond to Stan's request for handouts for a seminar on
listservs posts the results to the list, as I have to do the same thing
a week from today.  Have collected a bunch of stuff to get ready, but
haven't made handouts yet.  The one I am doing is by Comp Ctr, but I am
going as a user to talk to users, and let them know the "straight scoop"
(as distinguished from the "techie"  stuff from the computer experts).
Actually I have worked with computers for 31 years, but they don't know
that   8-)}
| Dan Lester             | 1910 University Dr. | Bitnet: ALILESTE@IDBSU   |
| Library                | Boise, Idaho  83725 | Internet:                |
| Boise State University | (208) 385-1234      | [log in to unmask] |