Well, the guy who wrote GNU Emacs is Rich Stallman.
He can be reached at [log in to unmask]
Please note that anything Rich writes will most likely be covered
by the GNU Public License, which has been referred to as the
"gnu public virus" due to some of its "copyleft" features.  Please
read it *carefully* to determine if the conditions are acceptable -
for instance, at least one incarnation of the liscence required that
if you used the GNU 'gcc' C compiler (also a Stallman production) to
compile something, if you sold or even *gave* the resulting binary to
somebody, you had to give them the source to your program as well.
Other than that, Rich is quite the programmer - both the GNU Emacs
editor and the GNU gcc compiler are regarded as among the best in
their respective fields...
                                  Valdis Kletnieks
                                  Computer Systems Engineer
                                  Virginia Polytechnic Institute
P.S. There's a chapter on Stallman in Steven Levy's book "Hackers"....