150  servers  have  now  installed  release 1.7  and,  as  expected,  the
DISTRIBUTE  patterns have  changed  dramatically in  the  past week.  The
percentage of jobs from  FRORS12 I received at SEARN was  down to 2.3% on
friday, and 1.6%  on saturday. Now that the DISTRIBUTE  traffic is taking
routes similar  to those  of regular  NJE traffic,  most of  the LISTSERV
traffic that  goes via  France has  its final destination  in one  of the
countries in  the "french area";  that is, France  no longer acts  as the
one-and-only DISTRIBUTE entry point in Europe. I am now adding FRMOP11 to
the DISTRIBUTE backbone  in order to decrease the load  on the nationally
funded FRMOPxx-FRORSxx line, as requested by EARN-France. Routing for the
following "subtree" of backbone servers is affected:
    FRMOP11 +-> BEARN --> BNANDP11
            +-> UKACRL
            +-> TAUNIVM +-> BGUVM
            |           +-> TECHNION
            +-> FRORS12 --> FRULM11
            +-> PTEARN
            +-> TREARN --> TRMETU
            +-> GREARN
All these servers were previously routed through FRORS12 instead. Germany
may or may not be routed via FRMOP11, depending on where the distribution
originates from;  this is  due to a  reorganization of  the international
connections in Germany  (the 64k line between DEARN and  FRMOP22 is to be
cancelled for  political reasons, with  all traffic to Europe  being sent
over IXI), and I hope things will settle down within the next 2 months.
Finally,  there is  a good  chance that  switching to  FRMOP11 will  also
remove  the file  corruption problem  that is  responsible for  the X-DEL
storms  (for all  but  the north  of  France, that  is  still routed  via
FRORS12). In any case, with 150  servers running CRC checks on DISTRIBUTE
jobs, I (hate to have to take  the responsibility of saying I) believe it
should now be reasonably  safe to pull out all X-DEL  filters and mods so
that people can start unsubscribing expired accounts again.