On  Fri,  26  Jul  1991  00:54:00 EST  "Terry  Kennedy,  Operations  Mgr"
>  Note that this  user appears to be having the  same problem I reported
>to this  list (with no response)  about a week  ago. In our case,  we do
>have an  :internet tag defined, and  are getting back _mailed_  "you are
>not  subscribed"   message  from   LISTSERV  in   response  to   a  SEND
>LISTSERV@somewhere SIGNOFF message.
Perhaps  because that  person is  not subscribed,  or subscribed  under a
cluster nodename, or whatever.
>The odd thing is that LISTSERV is sending it back with the personal name
>of the subscriber filled in, an item  that is _impossible_ to get from a
>SEND command.
But it is very possible to get  from the user's entry in SIGNUP FILE. Try
sending a 'RELEASE' command via mail from the same account.