I am the owner of list PAKISTAN and I am experiencng some problems with the lis
tserver and my listserv management told me to contact you.
the problem is that if I put an editor on thetop of the list to receive contri
butions (the list is not open to post), and the editor address is an internet a
ddress i.e. [log in to unmask], and somebody sends a file to the list
it sends a mail to the editor (the one on top) that file is being forwarded to
you for your approval and you can send it for pulication at your discretion (so
mething like that) but it it does not send the file.
Usually if an editor sends a file to the list it gets distributed as a mail to
all internet addresses and as a file to all bitnet address. so if somebody sen
ds a file to the list it should reach the editor as a mail if he is on internet
..  Can you help me out
PS: lstown-l please reply . I didn't know how to add you for direct mail so
i cc: it to you.
Nauman K. Mysorewala
Internet: [log in to unmask]