I am looking  for beta-test sites (preferrably running CMS4  or CMS7) for
the new  LISTSERV PASCAL  REXX library. This  is basically  a programming
environment allowing me to write REXX  functions in PASCAL and to package
them into  a single  MODULE, with a  single copy of  the PASCAL  run time
library. This includes a number  of string manipulation and I/O functions
which avoid turning  a 10-lines REXX program into  a horrendous 100-lines
array  of  unwarranted if/then/begin/end/else/begin/end.  Before  someone
asks, this  environment is not supported  for any purpose other  than the
LISTSERV code  I write; if you  decide to use it  for local applications,
you do so at your own risk.
The purpose of  this PASCAL REXX library is to  allow a smooth conversion
to a compiled  language that can address the  performance requirements of
LISTSERV. IBM has  made it clear that  they do not intend  to provide the
REXX compiler and pre-requisite libraries as a standard part of VM, or at
least as an affordable supplement. In any case, early experience with the
REXX  compiler  in  the  LISTSERV   environment  shows  only  a  marginal
improvement  in CPU  usage (about  a factor  of 2),  while the  amount of
storage required to hold the "compiled" code is 4 times higher.
Due to an unfortunate intersection  of brain-damaged features of CMS, the
migration to this PASCAL REXX library  is, regrettably, not going to be a
painless one. The  first problem is that, with the  possible exception of
the REXX compiler,  IBM has always refused to make  compilers for VM. The
PASCAL compiler, like all other compilers, is an MVS compiler that relies
on the fact that VM emulates a subset of OS system calls. Storage for the
run  time  environment and  other  things  beyond programmer  control  is
allocated  using OS  calls  (GETMAIN), and  may  be unexpected  destroyed
without warning should another OS  application issue an STRINIT call. The
COPYFILE command was originally written by MVS people who only knew about
OS calls, and happily issued a STRINIT before requesting storage (this is
why COPYFILE have  you an abend rather  than a nonzero return  code if it
ran out of storage).  This was fixed with CMS5, but code  had to be added
to  the  PREXX library  to  detect  STRINIT  calls  under CMS4  and  take
corrective action; this code has to be tested.
Another problem is that the PASCAL compiler, like all IBM compilers, uses
its  own private  procedures for  allocating storage  (which, ultimately,
call OS  simulation routines). A  library routine (for instance  a string
manipulation  routine)  should  return   storage  allocated  using  these
procedures, so  that it  behaves like regular  PASCAL storage.  There is,
obviously, no  documented interface  for calling these  procedures. Since
they  are  presently  implemented   using  the  standard  PASCAL  linkage
sequence, the risk that they might change in the future seems low, but it
will always be there and there is no other solution.
Due to  the brain-damaged interface  the REXX interpreter uses  to access
external REXX  functions, a significant  number of LISTSERV  modules will
have to be renamed. The reason is that only the first 6 characters of the
REXX function  name are  meaningful, in the  case of  external functions.
That  is, the  standard STORAGE()  function, which  is implemented  as an
external  assembler   function,  can   be  invoked   via  STORAGECLEAR(),
STORAGRAFF(), or whatever strikes your fancy. The consequence is that, if
you were to  convert LSVBESTP to PASCAL, any call  to LSVBESTE (a totally
different program) would silently call the new LSVBESTP.
The bottom line is that almost every  single piece of REXX code will have
to be edited  to replace all occurences of LSVxxx  with LSVyyy. Once this
has been done,  it will be extremely  difficult to issue fixes,  so a new
release will  have to be  sent - as  soon as possible.  This is why  I am
looking for beta-test sites now.
Presently,  LSV822TO and  LSVNADDR  have been  converted  to PASCAL  (the
former is  called 15,000 times  a day on  backbone hub sites,  the latter
about half  as much); in addition,  the part of LSVDBNB  that builds list
archive  indexes  has  also  been  converted,  as  there  was  a  notable
performance problem  in that  area (the  new code can  read the  file and
build the  index in about  half the  CPU time you  need to read  the file
using EXECIO with the SKIP option).  Due to the editing process described
above, the resulting update deck is 6389  lines in CARD format, so I will
have to  restrict distribution to  sites with good connectivity,  as this
has to be  installed manually and I  don't want to split  it into smaller
files for that  reason. Since most EXEC's are affected  by just these two
name changes  (the new names are  LSV82T and LSVADR), you  have to backup
the whole  191 minidisk before doing  the CARD LOAD. Afterwards,  all you
have to do is restart - there  is no configuration change. The new source
code is another 2616 lines in CARD format.