Fix  17A-004o contains  a replacement  of  the LISTSERV  version of  CARD
MODULE with support  for CMS release 7. The previous  version would often
abort a CARD LOAD operation with the following error message:
DMSCAR105S Error '2E' writing 'CARD CMSUT1 A1' to disk.
The IBM APAR addressing this problem (closed  RET - no fix will be issued
unless the  problem can be  reproduced with an IBM  application) suggests
that CMS release 6 is also affected. The new CARD MODULE will, of course,
continue to work under older versions of  CMS. You need not order the fix
unless you  are running or  plan to run  CMS release 6  or 7 in  the near
future. To  save myself time, I  am including the very  short update file
at the end of this message.
./ R 01680000          $ 1684990 4990                 09/19/91 11:30:31
         CLC   =C'LOAD ',0(3) (changed to save room & keep <8k)ERICCMS7 01680000
./ R 01720000          $ 1724990 4990                 09/19/91 11:30:31
CKDUMP   CLC   =C'DUMP ',0(3) (changed to save room & keep <8k)ERICCMS7 01720000
./ R 01740000          $ 1744990 4990                 09/19/91 11:30:31
         CLC   =C'PUNCH ',0(3)                                 ERICCMS7 01740000
./ R 11680000          $ 11681990 1990                09/19/91 11:30:31
         BZ    LDWRMRG             Continue if rc=0 or the new ERICCMS7 11681990
         C     15,=F'46'           CMS6/7 rc=46, which IBM     ERICCMS7 11683980
         BNZ   LDWRERR             won't fix; otherwise error  ERICCMS7 11685970
./ D 20770000 20790000                                09/19/91 11:30:31