This is not really a listserv question, but I am sure someone will know what I
am talking about.
I need  to issue  a command to  listserv in order  to update  the subscription
entry  of a  list for  a particular  user.   The problem  is that  there is  a
character in this user's address that whenever I type it, CMS interprets it as
a newline character and thus the address I am trying to specify gets truncated
at  that character  resulting  in a  failure  by  listserv to  know  who I  am
referring to.  The  character is the #  symbol.  Does anyone know  how to tell
CMS or CP to treat # as text and not start a new line when it appears?  I have
looked through  the on-line  help to  answer this  question, but  nothing I've
tried works.   Any help  you can  provide me  on this  little problem  will be
Stan Horwitz
Listserv Postmaster
Temple University