I recently created a list, newedu-l.  even more recently, the list was
changed such that only the owner/editor(s) can send to the list.
Here is the header:
*  New Paradigms in Education List
*  This list server is dedicated to experimenting with and
*  exploring the way we educate.  We ask: what are the new paradigms
*  in education and how can they be implemented.
*  Review= Private   Subscription= open
*  Send= editor,owner
*  Notify= Yes       Reply-to= List,Ignore      Files= No
*  Validate= Store only  Mail-via= Dist2
*  Confidential= No  Conceal= yes
*  Ack= Yes
*  Errors-To= Owners
*  Notebook = (yes,a,monthly)
*  Daily-Threshold= 30
*  Owner= NPADMIN@MC          Greg Swan & Paul Privateer
*  editor= NPADMIN@MC          Greg Swan & Paul Privateer
*  Owner= postmast@uscvm      post master
postmast@uscvm                      post master
(users deleted)
two questions:
1.  i changed the send field from 'private' to 'editor,owner' (yes, i
    know its redundant).  for the next half hour, anyone on the list
    was still able to post to the list.  What is the delay caused by?
    Is there a way to get listserv to recognize the change immediately?
    (i tried stopping/restarting -- no luck).
2.  I would like to have postings to the list by subscribers forwarded
    to the list editor.  from the mailform, this looks possible because
    of the presence of a message.  How do i do this?
(john riehl)
(I want money.......)