On Mon, 25 Nov 1991 06:20:19 +0100 Eric Thomas said:
 (text deleted...)
 Among other things,
>The effects of  a SERVE OFF command from the  LISTSERV postmaster are now
>permanent - only  a SERVE ON command by a  postmaster will restore access
>to the user.
 so I feel compelled to expressed my eternal gratitude...  There are some
 gateways which apparently will never work properly.  And there are some
 frustrated but persistent users that refuse to stop subscribing to lists
 from behind such gateways.  This change will help stop mail delivery errors
 to those users by making it possible to ignore commands from behind the
 gateway until it "plays nicely".  A very welcome change, thank you!
 Some of the other changes look very interesting as well.  I suspect that
 many of us will find the "fortunate side-effect"(s) of the traceback trap
 code to be quite handy!