On Wed, 20 Nov 1991 07:42:40 GMT Avrum Goodblat <[log in to unmask]> said:
>1. Does it make  a difference to post to this news  group or directly to
>its listserv?
If the usenet gateway works well, it shouldn't.
>2. can there be two editors of a  list and do all messages for review go
>to both of them. I tried it and had problems.
See recent postings by Lisa Covi and followups.
>3. does the  unix listserv program interact properly  with both listserv
>and listearn peers?
There are  several un*x programs called  'listserv', and none of  them is
even remotely  compatible with LISTSERV. So  far, we have not  managed to
persuade their authors  that calling them 'listserv' is  confusing to the
>My account  is on a unix  machine, my list  is on a listserver  under VM
>very far away (about 8,000 miles). I  do have the ability to ftp over to
>the VM  machine. What  is the  best way for  me to  POST files  into the
I assume you are talking about text files. Just send mail to the LISTSERV
userid at  the node in  question and,  in the mail  body, stick in  a PUT
command as  follows, immediately followed  by the text file  in question.
Here is the syntax:
PUT filename filetype PW=xxxxx
If you don't have a password yet,  send a 'PW ADD xxxxx' command first to
get one.