On Fri, 6 Dec 1991 17:16:00 EST John Clutcher said:
>I'm interested in changing the variable that limits the scope of a list
>from local to global access.
>Currently I have "Service=local,*.*.hmc.psu.edu" in my subscription
The existence of a "Service" keyword to limit the scope of a list means
you also have a "Confidential= Service" in there. Hence, your list is
confidentially known only within the specified service area.
In order to make your list public (i.e., global access), all you need to
do is remove the Service keyword & parm, and change to "Confidential= No".
This will cause your Listserv to broadcast its existence to the rest of
the network, and your list will then appear on the global LISTSERV LISTS
file obtained via the "LIST GLOBAL" command.
You may also like to make your list known to the world by sending an
announcement, together with a description of the focus of the list, to
the new list clearinghouse, [log in to unmask] I've appended below the
suggested format for announcements, as per their NEW-LIST FORMAT file.
Finally, if you want to have a public list, but retain some control as to
what goes on, you might want to try the following keywords:
Subscription= By_owner   (this causes all subscription requests to be sent
                          to the list owner(s), who have to manually add
                          the prospective list member)
Review= Private          (with this, only list members can review the list
                          and see who's in there)
Send= Private            (in order to submit a letter or file and have it
                          distributed to the list, you have to be a member)
Notify= Yes              (useful only when subscription= open; this sends
                          a subscription notification to the owners whenever
                          someone new subscribes to the list.)
I personally like my public lists to be:
    Subscription= Open   Send=Public
    Review= Private      Notify= No
Hope this helps.
Juan M. Courcoul / Dir. Tech. Support  Voice:  +52 (42) 17-38-28
Monterrey Institute of Technology      Fax:    +52 (42) 17-38-23
Henry Ford 10 / P. O. Box 37           Net:  [log in to unmask]
Queretaro, Qro.  76000   MEXICO              [log in to unmask]
------- NEW-LIST FORMAT file follows ------------
New-List Format                                              02/04/90
This is the suggested format of contributions to the NEW-LIST list
(to [log in to unmask] or [log in to unmask]).  By following
this format it makes the announcement more useful both to the readers
and to folks who incorporate the announcements in other publications.
Thank you for your help.
Preferred format for LISTSERV List Descriptions
   It is helpful to include a Subject similar to this for new lists:
Subject: NEW LIST: listname List Description (use significant words)
   In the body of the mail the first line should have the list name. Eg:
listname on LISTSERV@nodename        (this emphasizes the server)
         or [log in to unmask]  (Optional)
   If the list is NOT on LISTSERV please be specific about this by using
   ONLY the listname on the 1st line of the body of the mail.
Briefly describe the topic of the list.  This should be brief and
to-the-point.  For example, you might begin "The LISTNAME list was formed
in order to discuss the meaning of life.  Related topics might include
etc. etc...."  If you can't describe in 20 lines or less what your list
is about, then please try to edit the description to that size.
If the description is too sketchy it may have to be edited by the
by people using it.  If it is too sketchy it may not be of value.
You can use a little extra space if you have a Listserv FILELIST to go
along with your list.  For example:  "Archives of LISTNAME and related
files are stored in the LISTNAME FILELIST.  To receive a list of files
send the command INDEX LISTNAME to [log in to unmask]"
After your description you should include instructions for subscribing.
We suggest the following generic format:
"To subscribe to LISTNAME, send the following command to LISTSERV@NODENAME
via mail text or interactive message:  SUBSCRIBE LISTNAME Your_full_name.
For example:  SUBSCRIBE LISTNAME Joe Shmoe."
Owner:  Fred Icky <ICKY@NODENAME>
        --- Optional secondary owners and/or Internet address formats ---
Subject: NEW LIST: NETMONTH Online Network Magazine
...      (be sure there is a BLANK LINE following the headers...)
NetMonth is an online magazine featuring news, information, and
opinion about BITNET.  Inside each issue you will find a
features, columns, and regular departments covering a variety
of network-related topics.  The purpose of NetMonth is to
inform the  BITNET  community while  providing  practical
guidelines for getting the most out of the network.
Archives of NetMonth back issues can be listed by sending the
command INDEX NETMONTH to [log in to unmask]
To subscribe, send the following command to LISTSERV@MARIST via
mail or interactive message:
     SUB NETMONTH your_full_name
where "your_full_name" is your name.  For example:
     SUB NETMONTH Joan Doe
Owner:  Christopher Condon <BITLIB@YALEVM>
NOTE:  If you feel other information is essential, please put it AFTER
       the above format or explain briefly how to get it.  Separate
       any additional data from the basic list format.
Credits:  The good ideas were from Christopher Condon, BITLIB@YALEVM,
          Editor of "NETMONTH, the Independent Guide to BITNET".
          The bad things were probably changes made by myself...
          Marty Hoag, New-List Moderator, [log in to unmask]