In response to several requests for samples/documentation on my
NAMESERV/PHONSERV SVMs, I have created a package on LISTSERV@PCCVM that
contains ALL the code, samples, and documentation available.
Package name - NAM:PHON PACKAGE
BTW - it is available to NADs only.
Nota Bene - these were written originally only for my use, and will require
            extensive modifications to run at other VM sites.  Use at your
            own risk/discretion.
|   Russell N. Hathhorn                       |  Bitnet: SYSMAINT@PCCVM       |
|   VM Systems Progammer/Analyst              |  Compu$erve: 76636,1036       |
|   Portland Community College                |  Voice: (503) 244-6111 x 4705 |
|   12000 S. W. 49th Avenue                   |  Fax:   (503) 324-7010        |
|   Portland, Oregon  97219-0990              |  "     Just say NO to OCO   " |
| "The strongest reason for people to retain the right to keep and bear arms  |
|  is, as a last resort, to protect themselves against tyranny in government."|
|   -- Thomas Jefferson                                                       |