Due to lack of reported problems  and a busy agenda for thursday, release
1.7b  is  being distributed  one  day  ahead  of schedule.  To  forestall
anguished queries, please note that the message:
        PASCAL run-time environment lost - acquiring a new one...
is  a  normal  occurence,  unless  it occurs  several  times  during  the
execution  of a  command (under  CMS release  4, multiple  occurences per
command may even  be normal). This message means that  something issued a
STRINIT call or otherwise caused the VS PASCAL run-time environment to be
destroyed.  LISTSERV detects  this  condition and  directs  VS PASCAL  to
acquire  a new  RTE; the  only impact  is a  small loss  of CPU  time for
re-initialization. This  condition cannot  be avoided given  that STRINIT
cannot be  disabled and that VS  PASCAL can only use  OS simulation calls
for acquiring storage.
Finally, please note  that the command reference cards  have been updated
for release 1.7b - including the one that lists postmaster commands.