On Wed, 26 Feb 1992 00:31:35 EST Undetermined origin c/o Postmaster said:
>Is it true that it only generates BITNET-style instructions (i.e.:
>"TELL ... CONFIRM ..." rather than "CONFIRM ...") for people to
>follow for renewing?
It uses whatever text is in the :RENEW1 section of the MAILFORM file
associated with the list ($DEFAULT MAILFORM unless the list header
includes the Language= keyword).  The 1.7b $DEFAULT MAILFORM :RENEW1
section is as follows:
:RENEW1 Renewal of your subscription to list 'listname'
Dear subscriber,
  Your subscription to list 'listname' is due for renewal. If you wish
to remain subscribed to 'listname', please issue the following command
to 'myself' at your earliest convenience:
                     CONFIRM 'listname'
  You will be automatically removed from the list if you do not send
a CONFIRM command within the next 'delay' days.
   The LISTSERV management
>                                           Also, how does it handle
>subscribers whose paths when sending the CONFIRM command don't match
>the paths their SUB command took?
If they can't send email with return addresses that LISTSERV can match
with their subscription addresses, they'll have to ask the list owner
for help or resubscribe with their new return addressess and allow the
old ones to expire and be removed.
Mark R. Williamson, Rice U., Houston TX; [log in to unmask] or @RICEVM1