>As an owner of a couple of lists.I find it VERY agrivating to have an "ad" for
>another list appear on one of mine. Or on one I subscribe to, for that matter.
>   Anyone can find out what lists exist out there through a simple LISTSERV
>  command or by getting the lists.of.lists from NDSUVM1 (VM1.NoDak.EDU).
        I don't mind new lists advertising on mine if they are dealing
with a related topic or might even provide me a source of useful
cross-posts.  I do mind if they have nothing to do with my lists at
all.  As has been remarked there is a New Lists board for this very
*        Jan George Frajkor           +                 +
* School of Journalism                +     __!!__      +
* Carleton University, Ottawa, Canada +     --  --      +
* -- [log in to unmask] --      +    ___!!___     +
*  613 788-7404     fax:613 788-5604  +    ---  ---     +
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