> I just added the line RENEWAL=YEARLY to the WORDS-L headers in order
> to purge list ghosts once a year (e.g., people who have set 'nomail'
> and then forgotten about the list), and I have a few questions about
> it:  (1) Am I correct in assuming from what somebody said on this
> list not long ago that the RENEWAL line will affect all subscribers,
> including those already subscribed at the time I added that line
> (unlike adding the REPRO line, which affects only new subscribers)?
> (2) How will the renewal be handled by the usenet gateway or by local
> redistribution addresses?  (3) Is the date of renewal a year from the
> time of subscribing?  What about for those people already subscribed --
> is it a year from today?
During the 24+ hours that passed between when I sent the message quoted
above and when it was distributed to the list, I found answers to the
questions I asked:  (1) Yes, it will affect all subscribers, (2) I've
already sent the 'confirm' command for the usenet gateway and local
redistribution addresses, thus changing the date of their subscriptions
to yesterday's date, and (3) the first purging of subscribers who've
been on the list for more than a year would be next week.
The point of this posting is to say that I no longer need answers to
those questions (unless you see errors in the answers I think I've
found) and to ask if there are other potential problems I'm overlooking
in the renewal situation.  Thanks.
   --Natalie ([log in to unmask])