I want to thank the various people who sent helpful replies to the
questions I sent to this list 48 hours ago but which finally showed
up 24 hours ago.  By the time my posting showed up 24 hours late I had
already found most of the answers, though, so I sent another posting
to let people know that they didn't need to answer my first one.  The
followup posting sent yesterday morning still has not shown up.  Why
does distribution on this list often seem to take 24 hours?
In case my posting of yesterday morning wanders through at some point,
I thought I should add that I've solved one more problem re renewals and
thought of still another problem.  I've taken care of the usenet server
and local redistribution addresses by sending the 'norenew' command for
them.  The new problem that just occurred to me is that I foresee a mess
when people start sending the 'confirm' command and send it from their
wrong addresses.  The listserv message itself is going to add to that
mess because it seems to suggest that all recipients should use an
interactive bitnet command to send the confirmation.  (It gives a "tell"
message as its paradigm.)  Those of us used to listserv messages and
well aware of our bitnet/internet addresses and when/how to use which
one don't have problems translating listserv examples of that kind into
what we should in fact do.  But I'm sure most of you are aware that
most lists include many subscribers who never do really catch on to
the ways of the networld.  I have a suggestion and a question.
Suggestion:  Wouldn't it make sense to change the various listserv
messages to make them less confusing in their implication that all
subscribers are using bitnet addresses?  (I guess that suggestion was
really a question, wasn't it.)  Question:  Do you see any problem with
my suggesting to the list that when they receive the confirmation
requests from the listserv that they simply use their reply function
to reply to that message, giving the confirm command as the complete
body of the reply?
Thanks again for all advice.  I guess my posting from 24 hours ago
will probably show up sometime today.  Maybe this one will show up
   --Natalie ([log in to unmask])