On Tue, 25 Feb 1992 10:40:11 EST DOUGLAS COFFMAN said:
>1.  This keywork applys to EVERYONE subscribed to your list (old and new)
>except of course, those who are set at NORENEW.
>2.  The list owner will only receive the massive "I have send renewal notices
> to:" the first time.
If you mean it will be massive only the first time, you are almost right.
The second and subsequent years (or whatever renewal period you chose)
any of the original mass who are still subscribers and haven't had their
renewal date changed will be prompted again and the list owner will get
the message about them again.  The "lump" will tend to smooth out over
time, due to differences in when the CONFIRMs are processed, in addition
to getting smaller through attrition.  Eventually, you would expect the
renewal messages to be evenly distributed on average.
>If I'm wrong, Eric, please correct me.
I'm not Eric.  I don't even play him on TV.
Mark R. Williamson, Rice U., Houston TX; [log in to unmask] or @RICEVM1