On Wed, 18 Mar 1992 11:02:04 MST Madge McBurney said:
>On Thu, 12 Mar 1992 09:09:09 PST Melvin Klassen said:
>> - a few RSCS queries show that:
>>     UICVM   has  518 files queued to PURCCVM,
>>     PURCCVM has   25 files queued to INDYCMS,
>would someone tell me what CMS I would type in order to retrieve this
>information, (or is it a privileged command given only to system people)?
Nah, it's not a privledged incantation, only not well documented. :-)
SM rscs CMD node Q node2 FILES
Often "rscs" is really "RSCS" or "RSCSV2"; check the ID command for
the fifth word (after the VIA) to make sure.
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