On Thu, 19 Mar 1992 09:05:57 -0500 George Frajkor said:
>         [.....]                   Since when do these machines have
>the right and the ability to get snarky with us?
>250- <[log in to unmask]> does not correspond to RSCS origin of HUEARN  LISTS
>250 ERV. You are a charlatan.
First you  have ommitted  the nice  welcome response to  the HELO.  Second you
shouldn't take the  SMTP log personal. Such talks are  between daemons, mailer
and such.  Or do you  meanhink that  one who insults  one of your  servants is
insulting you .... ;-)
HUEARN's LISTSERV  should be  defined as "trusted  mailer" to  HUEARNs MAILER.
Right now it is not.