I'm very interested in 'balance' the distribution load for our COLEXT
local list (400+ users, 30 local users, growing 1-2 per-day). Are
some of you willing to peer our list in order to reduce
our local server load with other strategically well-located servers?
Thank you very much in advance. It's very important for us, and for
our neighboring nodes, to reduce the amount of mails that our server
processes, and to improve the list/server performance.
//// Gonzalo
Gonzalo Romero                               University of Los Andes
Computer Networks Consultant             Center for Computing Activities
ANDESCOL PostMaster                          Carrera 1 No. 18A - 70
E-Mail:                                      Santafe de Bogota, D.C.
 [log in to unmask]                     Colombia
 [log in to unmask]                              South America
 [log in to unmask]
 [log in to unmask] (Internet)
Phone : +57 1 281 56 80
Fax   : +57 1 284 18 90
P.D. Please reply directly to me, because I'm not subscribed to
     the list(s) <they're closed>.