I have no real desire to enter into a potential flame-war
about various kinds of sexuality.  However, I may add, in
Anthea Tilyer's defense, that the only problems I have
ever encountered on my list (LINGUIST) have been with people
who wish to turn its focus to matters of political import, or
sexual preference.  Since mine is a moderated list, however,
such postings never see the light of day, and I can only
suggest to Anthea that she moderate her list for a while.
Since there are lists aimed specifically at such controversial
topics, and these are freely accessible to the interested,
I've never felt any qualms about such filtering of messages
on my list.  There are appropriate places such subscribers
can aim their messages at.
I, like Anthea, believe that a list has an obligation
to keep to the point.  A list which fails to do so will
drive its core clientele away.  This obligation is particularly
strong with regard to areas of sexual preference.  Many subscribers
will simply vanish if this topic comes up, for they know that
feelings are so strong in this area that even the most
tangential comments have the potential to generate vilification.
Steve Carr's posting is a perfect case in point.  All Anthea
said was that she wanted to keep her list focussed upon
TESL, and that there existed on her list some people, intent
on promoting gay rights, who were sabotaging this goal.
How on Earth this was a homophobic comment escapes me.
Anthony Aristar