Here  is a  table showing  the  virtual and  total CPU  time required  by
LISTSERV to  run an arbitrary  benchmark on  several releases of  CMS and
machine modes. The benchmark is  reasonably representative of the type of
work LISTSERV  may have to  do; it includes a  DISTRIBUTE job and  a REXX
intensive X-LUPD job. It does not  include anything based on COPYFILE, so
it will  not be representative  if your  main application is  file server
functions. COPYFILE has been considerably improved with CMS 7, but is not
used very often by LISTSERV. Nothing has been done about EXECIO yet.
| Environment        | VTIME | TTIME | SIO |
| CMS 8   (370 mode) |  9.81 | 10.46 | 131 |
| CMS 5.6 (370 mode) |  9.20 | 10.07 | 158 |
| CMS 5              |  8.76 |  9.59 | 153 |
| CMS 4              |  8.76 |  9.46 | 160 |
| CMS 5.6 (370 mode) |  9.20 | 10.07 | 158 | (copied for reference)
| CMS 5.6 (XA  mode) |  9.71 | 10.53 | 149 |
| CMS 8   (370 mode) |  9.81 | 10.46 | 131 | (copied for reference)
| CMS 8   (XA  mode) | 10.53 | 11.18 | 131 |
| CMS 8   (XC  mode) | 10.40 | 11.04 | 131 |
PS: Due to the nature of the  server, small difference in the figures are
    not necessarily  significant and  could be due  to stray  'Sent file'
    messages or the like. That is, the last digit may not be significant.
    Tens of I/O's and tenth of seconds definitely are.