On Fri, 6 Mar 1992 16:57:36 +0100 Eric Thomas said:
>VERS9203 contains an invalid tag in the entry of node UTORVM:
>       :links4.UTORMVSB(P,1M), RYERSON NRCVM01(P,64K) UOTVM(P,64K)
>The extra  comma after the definition  of the UTORMVSB link  is not valid
>and prevents LISTSERV from building its tables. The error message you get
>is "Error 100 from LSVBGN". Do not install VERS9203 until you receive the
>VERS9204 update, which is being generated as I type these lines.
Here we have LISTSERV and NETSERV and listserv have a link to the netserv
minidisk. When we received the mail above, listserv had already stopped.
I edited another version of BITEARN NODES and it worked.
But I think I have to prevert this.
Can we help us?
                         Renato Baumgratz Viotti
| Laboratorio de Computacao Cientifica           |                          |
| Universidade Federal de Minas Gerais           |   [log in to unmask]      |
| Av. Antonio Carlos, 6627 - Pampulha            |   [log in to unmask]    |
| Predio do Depto. de Fisica - Salas 103 e 123   | Telef.: +55 31 441-1881  |
| Caixa Postal 702                               | Telex: +55 31 2308       |
| 30161 - Belo Horizonte - Minas Gerais - Brasil | Fax: +55 31 448-1372     |