On Wed, 11 Mar 1992 10:26:26 EST you said:
>Is there a way to determine the NAD (Node ADministrator) for a particular
>node?  I know LISTSERV keeps this info. somewhere but I can't seem to
>find it.
The new name for NADs (after the September master nodes file reconfiguration)
is ADMIN. You can obtain this information from two different sources: any
Listserv or any Netserv. The procedures for obtaining it differ, as may be
If you want to use the Listserv option, you can either do an interactive
search, using the LDBASE user interface, or you can send the selected server
the following job. Be sure to place the nodename in the appropiate spot,
WITHOUT THE < >. This job can be sent as a standalone file (i.e., SENDFILE)
or in the body of an e-mail.
//NodEntry JOB Echo=No
Database Search DD=Rules
//Rules DD   *
Search * in BITEARN where node = <place the nodename here>
//NodEntry EOJ
For further information (how to get & use the LDBASE interface, etc.), send
the Listserv the command "INFO DATABASE", and you'll get the corresponding
For requesting the information from a Netserv, you need to send it the
command "GET NODENTRY nodename", by interactive message, plain file, or
in an e-mail.
In either case, you will get a file that contains all the registered info
for the selected node. Among the 'tags', you will find one that goes:
":admin.p_someone p_someoneelse ..." That is the autorized administrator
for the node. You will then have to see who the "p_nickname" refers to;
this information will be on a different line and will tell you the name
and network address of the person.
>Also on the same vein, how does one go about "registering" or changing
>the NAD for a node?
Together with the Admin, you will also find a tag called "Techinfo". That
points to the TechRep for that node. That person is the only one authorized
to change the Admin.
You need to get the files UPDATE PROCEDUR and NEWTAGS DESCRIPT from
[log in to unmask] These explain the procedure for carrying out the changes,
as well as the information you have to supply.
Hope this helps.