Larry Jewell writes:
> Hi, I own a historically oriented list, WWII-L, and several of the members
>have asked for information about similar lists.  I'd like to invite listowners
> who own such lists to send me information so I can make a unified posting to
> my list.  I will also supply information on WWII-L upon request.
    Mideur-L  and Slovak-L , both based at UBVM, are lists for social,
cultural and historical discussion of Middle Europe  and Slovakia,
respectively. This count?
*        Jan George Frajkor           +                +
* School of Journalism                +     __!__      +
* Carleton University, Ottawa, Canada +    ___!___     +
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*  613 788-7404     fax:613 788-5604  +      /^\       +
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