On Fri, 1 May 1992 10:10:10 PDT Melvin Klassen said:
>On Fri, 1 May 1992 18:31:08 +0200, Eric Thomas <ERIC@SEARN> wrote:
>>there are cases where it can be an inconvenience for the list owner due
>>to numerous requests to "delete this address and add this one" (the
>>addresses in question are, of course, never less than 40 bytes long and
>>impossible to spell properly the first time).
>The trick to simplify this is to not do any spelling!
>For example, I may receive a request like:
>   Please remove the ID 'NM1@MSSTATE' and add the ID [log in to unmask]
>    /*
>into the "top" of the outgoing mail,
>and then moving the actual ID-to-be-deleted to replace the "old-dummy" line,
>and then moving the actual ID-to-be-added to replace the "new-dummy" line.
What i have done is made some REXX programs (for CMS) like PDL PAD MDL ...
what i have to provide is just the user id and it does it all, sort of a batch
file.  Also I have the nomail exec for users that has exceeded quota and stuff
like that, this also keeps a record of who I have set nomail.
If you are on the CMS system i will send it to you.
                ==          Nauman K. Mysorewala           ==
                ==                                         ==
                == BITNET   : AUNSM@ASUACAD (CMS)          ==
                == Internet : [log in to unmask]     ==
                == Address  : 1011, E. Orange #83          ==
                ==            Tempe, AZ 85281, U.S.A.      ==
                == Ring     : (602) 966-8348 (WONT-FIT)    ==