On Fri, 1 May 1992 20:28:11 CDT Natalie Maynor said:
>This is very strange.  While ago I used the 'get words-l (header' command
>to get the headers and edit the daily threshold.  When I sent the file
>back, I got this response:
>> Invalid password supplied. Acceptable passwords are: your personal password
>> (obtained through the "PW ADD" command) and the password of list WORDS-L.
>I know I'm using the correct list password.  What's going on??
>   --Natalie ([log in to unmask])
I ran in the same problem, the solution was to tell the postmaster there to res
et  your password
                ==          Nauman K. Mysorewala           ==
                ==                                         ==
                == BITNET   : AUNSM@ASUACAD (CMS)          ==
                == Internet : [log in to unmask]     ==
                == Address  : 1011, E. Orange #83          ==
                ==            Tempe, AZ 85281, U.S.A.      ==
                == Ring     : (602) 966-8348 (WONT-FIT)    ==