Has someone seen the following error before ? any remedies ?
Thanks ,
----------------------------Original message----------------------------
A  REXX error  occured  while processing  the  following command  from
PETTY@NDSUVM1: "Subscribe ilas-net Mark Petty". See enclosed traceback
and/or console log for more details.
   124 +++         output = output||s Republic of China  -  J.C. Chen  &  J.G. S
   124 +++       Interpret 'output = output||'varname
    50 +++     line.index = Vartrans(line)
    36 +++ Call Send
DMSREX476E Error 41 running LSVIMAIL EXEC, line 124: Bad arithmetic conversion
   115 +++ Call LSVIMAIL 'SIGNUP1',listname,origin,,'REMARK' remark,'DEFOPT' def
DMSREX475E Error 40 running LSVSUBSC EXEC, line 115: Incorrect call to routine
Error occured while processing file 0933 from PETTY@NDSUVM1:
  REXX error occured - job execution not allowed to continue.