I am running LISTSERV 1.7c. I've encountered a problem when PUTting
a header back. I can only do it once per startup of LISTSERV.
I got a list header. I changed it and sent it back successfully with
LSVPUT. Then I changed my mind, changed the header again, and tried
to PUT it with LSVPUT. LISTSERV sent me a note explaining that the
header did not contain the proper statements (starting with an * in
col. 1). I shut LISTSERV down, started it again, and successfully
performed an LSVPUT with the same header, no changes since the last
attempt (the one that failed).
It doesn't have to be the same header. Only the first PUT succeeds.
We only have 3 lists here. But I've experimented with a few variations
of the above and the consistent fact is that only the first PUT works.
Help. Anyone?
Patricia Parker
Loma Linda University