Sometime recently, the listserv at CUVMA became the listserv at CUVMB.
Last night, I did a review of the I-KERMIT list.  Without waiting for
the results, i disconnected and went home.  About 10:00 P.M. I got a call
from our operations staff saying they were getting console messages about
spool file limit exceeded for my userid.  Since we don't run with spool
file limits that means that I had exactly 9999 spool files (the VM/XA
limit.)  Not good!
I dialed in and they were all copies of the I-KERMIT list from various
peers.  I purged all the files, but they continued to come in at the rate
of about one every two seconds.  I removed some of the peer links to try
and break the loop but the major part of the loop appears to be Columbia
looping with itself.  I just tried to call them on the phone, but they
don't open until 9:00.
If all sites which host the I-KERMIT list will check their listserv and
purge all rdr files requesting a review of I-KERMIT, as well as killing
all outbound copies of I-KERMIT NODEID headed for UGA I would appreciate
Currently the list topology looks like this:
*                    List Topology
*                UTORONTO    CLVM      HEARN
*                   |         |          |
*                  UBVM     MARIST     DEARN
*                   |         |          |
*         UGA-----VTVM2-----CUVMA-----EB0UB011-----FINHUTC
*          |        |         |          |
*        TCSVM    VTVM1     RUTVM1    BNANDP11
Later today, when my reader clears out, I will get the list headers from
all sites and change CUVMA to CUVMB.  I hope that will fix the problem.
All BITNET core sites should also delete all copies of I-KERMIT NODEID (or
I$KERMIT CUVMB or IKD FINHUTC) headed for node UGA.
Eric,  How hard would it be to check for some number of review commands on
a given list in a given time and reject those which appear to be looping?