On Fri, 12 Jun 1992 18:58:41 +0200 Eric Thomas said:
>On Fri, 12 Jun 1992 09:48:31 PDT "Dwight M. McCann" <DWIGHT@UCSBVM> said:
>>I wish to remove xxxx FILELIST.  I had no trouble removing xxxx FILEID.
>>I then did 'LSVPUT xxxx FILELIST (DELETE' and got a message saying, "...
>>Filelists must never be updated via PUT. ..."
>The message probably said PUTC. Try again with a PUT.
>  Eric
You are right, of course (I knew it said PUTC, I don't know why my hands
didn't type PUTC!)  I didn't realize that LSVPUT allowed both the DELETE
and PUT options together.  I guess I'll have to search LSTSRV-L for the
"documentation" of LSVPUT.  Maybe LSVPUT should be enhanced to know that
a DELETE for a filetype of FILELIST should use PUT? Oh, well, this only
happens rarely!  Thanks again!