This may be a FAQ, so I apologize if it has been answered elsewhere:
      Mailers continue to try for 13 days in many cases to deliver
mail that would otherwise bounce -- a wholly laudable idea, of course.
   However, once the boucnes begin, there is 13 days worth of
returned mail stacked up.  Even after I have removed a user from a
list,  I get, for nearly two weeks, every piece of mail ever sent on
that list.   Is there some simple system for just wiping out the
backed up mail the moment a user is removed from a list?
    Jan George Frajkor
 School of Journalism                      _!_
 Carleton University,                     __!__
 Ottawa, Ontario                            !
 Canada K1S 5B6                             !
   -- [log in to unmask] --          /^\
  613 788-7404     fax:613 788-5604    /^\/   \/^\