>You must use a DELETE job. It doesn't cost much more time to process, and
>the excess mail  would be generated (and go to  your postmaster) with the
>FOR UNSUB anyway. For the  historical perspective on why this restriction
>was added, search the list archives.
I think part of my problem is that the only variant of DELETE I know about
is the netwide one - so I'd get mail back from all over, esp the poorly
managed sites that don't know me due to using old tables :-)
Where might I find a complete description of DELETE or at lease how to
use it to delete a single user from a single list?
Mark J Strawcutter                           BitNet:    MJSTRAW@IUP
Director, Systems and Communications         DNS (mx):  [log in to unmask]
Indiana University of Pennsylvania           Voice:     (412) 357-4000
Indiana, PA   15705                          "you can't nail jello to a tree"