On Sun,  5 Jul 1992  00:39:51 EDT Taylor  Roberts <[log in to unmask]>
>I've been  wondering why the  default for  STATS is "private",  since it
>seems desirable  (at first glance,  anyway) that a list's  statistics be
>available easily to subscribers and potential subscribers.
This is  to avoid "bad  surprises". Most list  owners don't know  or care
about the "Stats="  keyword, and may be unpleasantly  surprised if, after
setting up  the list so  that membership  and archives are  private, they
discover that just about anyone can find  out who is on the list with the
STATS command.
>Extended statistics  apparently take a lot  of CPU time, so  perhaps the
>same issue bears on the availability of even normal statistics?
Extended statistics no longer exist, so this is not an issue.