The renewal verification process is fired  up once a week, because it may
take quite a lot of time to  complete and it doesn't really matter if you
are asked to renew 363 or 369  days after you subscribed. So things never
happen "instantly", but should happen  within one week. Some servers have
a locally edited WAKEPARM FILE and may  never run this process at all, if
the postmaster decided it was not needed (for instance because he runs 10
lists totalling 89273 subscribers and none of them requires renewal). The
reference date is internally present in  the list regardless of the value
of the "Renewal="  keyword, but tends to get reset  when subscribers show
some "activity". The  purpose of the renewal function is  to take care of
dead or inactive accounts,  and not of people who are  fully aware of the
fact  that they  are subscribed,  so I  chose to  avoid bothering  active
subscribers as much as possible.