On Tue, 4 Aug 1992 13:43:29 CET, Janusz S. Bie/n <JSBIEN@PLEARN> wrote:
>>There is a FAQ about the bit.* newsgroups that you can find in
>>news.answers and bit.admin, ...
>How can it be obtained by mail?
If your site is directly connected to the Internet,
then you can use "anonymous-FTP" to the host 'PIT-MANAGER.MIT.EDU'.
Get a copy of the file '/pub/usenet/news.answers/index'.
If your site is directly connected to BITNET,
then you can use the 'BITFTP@PUCC' server,
and ask it to perform the anonymous-FTP on your behalf.
(Send E-mail to 'BITFTP@PUCC', and put 'HELP' into the "Subject:" line,
if you want help in using the BITFTP server.)