List owners !
On June 26th, 1992, Leicester Polytechnic (Leicester, UK) became
De Montfort University.  The change for mail purposes took place on
Friday, 4th September.  Therefore, listserver subscriptions for all:
           [log in to unmask]            *or*
           [log in to unmask]
should be changed to:
           [log in to unmask]              *or*
           [log in to unmask]
Users have been asked to change their listserver subscriptions.
+ Ian Luff      Post:  I.T. Services, De Montfort University,             +
+                      The Gateway, LEICESTER LE1 9BH, UK.                +
+ Data          Phone: +44 533 577156 (direct dial)                       +
+ Network       Email: [log in to unmask]                           (JANET) +
+ Manager              [log in to unmask]                   (International) +