There's no need to manually add people to a list by fetching a list
 and using an editor to include the new entries.  If you want to add
 a bunch of people, just put all the ADD LISTNAME USER@NODE lines in
 a file (prepend the QUIET option if you like).  Once you have done so,
 just mail it to the LISTSERV@HOST, where "host" is the site where the
 list is housed.  It's easier than fetching the list, editting it and
 mailing it back.  Plus you can't screw up the list unintentionally.
 You can probably make a LISTSERV job that would be more efficient than
 simply listing the ADD commands sequentially in a file, but that's not
 my forte.  I would argue against maually tweaking the LIST files, since
 there's no need to do so, and there is some risk of introducing bad
 information unintentionally, no matter how careful you are.