A (peered) list that I own seems to be plagued by a weird bug. I would like
to solicit the knowledge of the net to remedy it.
It appears that list postings from at least one list peer
are stored at some node and retransmitted in huge batches. Yes, I
know about load management, but that is not the problem here, IMHO.
The deluges of messages exceed the daily limit for the list
by almost one full order of magnitude. Also, and most puzzling,
the retransmitted messages seem to consist of ALL the messages posted to
list since at least Oct. 1, 1992. Thus each time the batch grows by
the current number of postings, which are sent at the end of
the stream of duplicate, outdated messages that are retransmitted.
Can anyone shed any light on why this might be happening and
suggest possible ways to alleviate the problem? I have checked for
all the usual errors, like multiple subscriptions, duplicate
subscriptions on both peers, etc., but cannot find a cause.
Or is it possible that the cause is at some intermediate node
that is defective in some way? The postings I receive show the return
address of <list-name%list-peer@backbone-nearest-to-me>. The list can
be reached at one peer by Internet as well as Bitnet, if that matters.
W. K. (Bill) Gorman