On Mon, 16 Nov 1992 16:52:16 +0100 Eric Thomas said:
>On Mon, 16 Nov 1992 10:39:55 EST Jim Gerland - Network User Support
>>LISTSERV sent 1 file to 16 other LISTSERVs with mail for 2,074 people
>Who will probably get it in a  matter of minutes, with dozens of machines
>working on it in parallel.
>>LISTSERV sent 8,458 pieces to BSMTP for handling.
>Who will have to wait a lot more  to get their own copy. I feel sorry for
>the SMTP server which will have to service this list, and it better be on
>the T3 backbone, not on a 56k access point :-)
This is probably reason enough to peer the list.  If some way can be
determined to split up the SMTP addresses, so that they are distributed
across 10 servers located on the IP backbone.  10*800 has to be better than