The new version of LISTSERV now 'escapes' the double quote character (")
when it is found in a list name.  Mail that is sent out using these 'escapes'
is apparently unacceptable to UCLAmail (and possibly other mailers).  The
problem can be corrected by changing the list name from:
           "Romance Readers Anonymous"
to simply:
           Romance Readers Anonymous
Pete Nielsen from UCLAMVS sent out a message about this a couple of days ago.
On Fri, 20 Nov 1992 13:14:00 EDT Christine Shih said:
>Can someone help me with the following error message?  It seems that
>all our lists now have the "\" characters before and after the
>description name.  Anything I forgot to set or reset?
>The list owner is asking me what to do with these.
>Thanks for your help.
>Christine Shih
>Postmater at KENTVM
>intended recipients for the following reason(s):
>1303 invalid syntax near line: Reply-To:     "\"Romance Readers Anonymous\""
> <[log in to unmask]>              -
>1303 invalid syntax near line: Sender:       "\"Romance Readers Anonymous\""
> <[log in to unmask]>              r
>Reply-To:     "\"Romance Readers Anonymous\"" <[log in to unmask]>
>Sender:       "\"Romance Readers Anonymous\"" <[log in to unmask]>