Hi All!
Is anyone interested in hosting a new list (UUYAN-L) for the
Unitarian Universalist Young Adult Network?
This list is a spinoff from UUs-L@UBVM (Unitarian Universalists'
general discussion list) -- for redundancy I want to let other sites
have a chance to host it before I ask Jim Gerland if he's interested
in Yet Another List.  ;-)
Being a spinoff from an existing list, we can make some pretty
precise estimates about what the list properties will be:
Members will be Unitarians, Religious Studies professors, Campus
Ministers of several faiths, and many other interested people.  Target
age range for UUYAN-L is 18-35 - most members will be University
students and recently graduated working professionals.  Most members
will reside in the United States and Canada, with one or two in
Europe most likely on exchange tours.
List population will start at about 35 members, growing to about 150
in six months, and leveling off there - message traffic of about 7
messages (about 6k each) a day will chase away any more subscribers.
List traffic tends to be very thoughtful and zero-flame - heavier or
lower-quality traffic kills the reason people subscribe.
Content will range from theological discussions to conference
announcements to general e-mail and net usage tips.
List will be moderated at startup, switch to unmoderated after
addresses are validated, and list owner will reserve possibility of
switching to moderated for fire control at any given time (haven't
had to do it with UUs-L).
The RENEWAL keyword will be used, and no Notebooks will be needed -
the archives will reside on an archive server at TerraLuna.Org.  A
FAQ and Charter will be posted on the list monthly by a scheduled job
at TerraLuna.
TerraLuna.Org is my own domain, with a stable commercial feed
(PSINET) to my domain server.
I will be primary list owner (setting Owner= addresses in at least two
independent domains), electing at least one alternate owner from the
list membership after about two months.
That should just about cover it...  ;-)
---                     .        .    `   *
Steve Traugott             `    .  *           +       [log in to unmask]
 ...Better Organizations Now         +    ` .   .      [log in to unmask]
Unix/Internet Systems Engineer         .    [log in to unmask]
Currently Contracting in Kingston N.Y.   .    [log in to unmask] List Manager