On Sun, 3 Jan 1993 22:51:00 EDT Peter Graham, Rutgers U., (908) 932-2741 said:
>1)  I'm with Murph Sewall on not seeing the usefulness of anonymous posts, and
>would be glad to see a justification for it--with a view toward building a
>body of opinion that says it is not conventionally acceptable and that it is
>OK to construct lists that prevent it.
   I don't  see how one  could possibly  construct some code  that would
know for  sure if the  posting in anonymous or  not.  You could  cut out
postings from "known" places, but that  could change daily, as could the
ids ...  and  what if user ANN@xxx  wanted to send mail  and all AN*@xxx
ids were filtered?  Seems silly and wasteful, to me.
>I can think of one special case, and Murph's example of an HIV discussion is
>an example; so for example is the Uncle Ezra counseling service at Cornell.
>The special case I have in mind is where *all* postings are anonymous because
>that is integral to the purpose of the group, as in these examples.  Can
>people give good cases for why unsigned or anonymous postings should otherwise
>be allowed, and can parallel cases in the non-electronic environment be
>cited to bolster their case?
   I  have two  problems  with this.   First, there  are  MANY uses  for
anonymous postings.  Almost *ANY* discussion of a sensitive nature, with
HIV being just one case, could rightfully be included.   HIV is only one
matter  ...   how  about  Sexual   Abuse?   What  about  anyone  with  a
non-religious fundamentalist approved life style?  Get the point?
   Second, I  don't think your  wanting to  be analogous to  a situation
that is  non-electronic is valid simply  because the network works  in a
manner that is  quite different to real life.  For  example, most people
attending a meeting  (like Alcoholics Anonymous or any  other share type
group)  are in  the room  with  those people,  and the  door is  closed,
usually, to the public - no cameras,  so to speak.  A list, on the other
hand, may be  open to the public,  as are its archives,  and EVERYONE is
identified by  a userid.   Even if  you use  conceal, the  archives will
still have  your userid in  it.  So, posting anonymously  actually fills
the void that makes the list *MOST LIKE* real life.
>2)  As an example of the kind of list where anonymous postings could be
>damaging and inflammable:  tune in to the various soc.cultural....yugoslavia
>/serbia/bosnia/ etc.  lists.  People there are saying quite unpleasant and
>damaging things to each other even with names attached.  The kind of dialogue,
>if one can call it that, that goes on there, if introduced into other groups
>without accountability, would be destructive to the group I believe.
   You said  it yourself: people  will post  from their own  userids not
caring about how stupid they are  (they don't, of course, see themselves
as stupid), but, you are right that an anonymous service could encourage
more hatred in a group such as this.
   At  any rate,  clearly, there  is a  need for  anonymous posts,  and,
unless  Eric is  willing  to  incorporate (and  maintain)  some sort  of
official  list and  take responsibility  if/when conflicts  arise as  to
which places get  listed or not, etc, *AND* some  sort of valid standard
can be  set and adhered  to by all such  servers/sites, I don't  see the
point to trying to limit it.  I think list owners, for the most part, do
a damn good job of keeping their lists together and I don't, as yet, see
a need to change this.   Credit to all of us!
>--Peter Graham, Rutgers University Libraries
>  moderator, ExLibris
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