Preventing seNNN wouldn't affect me since there aren't any numbers (NNN)
in my name :)  However, I see Eric's point.  Mel Klassen suggests
'SERVE OFF' but that affects EVERY list on a LISTSERV and
some servers do carry lists for which anonymous posting conceiveably
might be appropriate.  Possibly if the SERVE OFF command could be
applied to specific lists?  I can think of a few lists that could be
seriously impaired by anonymous posters (if there are 2 million or so
people with email addresses, sadly they probably represent the worst as
well as the best of the social milieu--there are, no doubt, a few gay
bashers and other seriously warped personalities out there, for example).
Frankly, I don't approve of 'handles' much less anonymity (I was raised
to believe that if you aren't willing to be identified with something
you say, then you shouldn't say it).  I can think of a few instances
(a frank discussion about HIV, for example) which I concede are legitimate
exceptions (social issues are rarely entirely black and white).  On balance,
though I think an anonymous server is a BAD idea.
I hope I never have to mention that I told you so.
/s Murph Sewall <[log in to unmask]>